International Festival Signs of the Night - Bangkok lnternational Festival Signes de Nuit - Bangkok


8th International Festival Signes de Nuit - Bangkok - July 23-31, 2022

20th International Festival Signs of the Night - Thailand


Saturday, July 23th, 2022

Thai Archiv / 14,30 h


On the Other Side

Del otro lago
Iván Guarnizo
Colombia, Spain / 2021 / 1:23:07

Although after the peace agreements the war between the FARC and the Colombian state seemed to be over, the situation is far from stable. In this complex political climate, my brother and I begin to research about the kidnapping of our mom. When we find the diary she was allowed to write during her captivity, we discover an almost mother/child relationship she had with her captor. Now that most of them have surrendered their weapons and are trying to begin a new life, we set to find him and maybe speak about that dark time in our lives.