date video video video video video video

Saturday, June 22th,2019
5 pm





Face to Face
Face à face
Benjamin Sereno
France / 2018 / 0:16:22

In a hospital, a secondary school and a maternity ward, Philippe Bazin has photographed faces for 15 years. In a simple yet radical format, he shows us people we don't look at, questioning the margins of humanity.


The Sleepers
Los Durmientes
Alejandro Ramírez Collado
Mexico / 2018 / 00:20:35

In a shelter on the southern border of Mexico, Central American migrants recover their strength to continue their journey to the United States.


New Memories
Michka Saäl
Canada / 2018 / 1:19:00

In the circus-like atmosphere of Kensington Market in Toronto, the camera of Anne J. Gibson is a silent witness, a potential threat, and an offer of human connection, sometimes all at once. An intimate portrait of a marginalized woman in her 60s whose discovery of street
photography five years ago has allowed her to overcome a legacy of addiction and trauma and see the world through a new lens. As Anne says, "first and foremost, taking pictures is an act of mental health."